Diego Molano, minister of the Colombian ministry of technology of information and communication, talks about the FTA’s implementation Law. In an interview given to “ENTER.CO” ( e-newspaper about technology, internet and digital culture), the Minister states that this project has not been made in high-speed track, and it is just a technological updating of the Colombian copyright law and, it  makes the Colombian Copyright law to stand at the same level of protection than the U.S. Copyright law.

The Minister defends the treatment that the draft has received and mentions that the discussion of these issues lasted years during the negotiation of the FTA, he denies that it has been a slight discussion. He also states that for Colombia is fundamental to approve this law because the FTA has to come into force.

More information available in: http://www.enter.co/vida-digital/ley-del-tlc-no-fue-hecha-a-la-ligera-ministro-de-las-tic/