Marcela_Palacio_PuertaDescripción en español

Technology has become essential for education. Many countries around the world have started to incorporate technology in the educational environment, thereby changing the educational process in order to give 21st-century learners the new abilities they need. Moreover, for developing countries, the use of technology in education represents an opportunity to solve salient problems of their educational systems. Nonetheless, countries have left aside the fact that copyright law governs how that technology can be effectively used in education.

Although the connection between copyright and education has been a hotly debated topic since the beginning of copyright law; the literature has not addressed the connection between the incorporation of ICTs in education and copyright law. Nor has the literature has addressed the United States-Colombia Free Trade Agreement’s copyright provisions’ consequences on education. Therefore, for the first time in the literature, this book brings together three controversial subjects in the copyright field: education, technology, and FTAs focusing in the case of the U.S.-Colombia Free Trade agreement.

Thus, this book becomes an important source of information for policy makers in developing countries who are confronting the obligation to implement the U.S. FTAs’ copyright chapters but at the same time are betting on the use of the technology in education. It is also useful for educators in the field, for educational institutions, and an important addition to the existing literature on the subject.

The full text (in Spanish) is available under a Creative Commons license at


Derechos de autor, tecnología y educación para el siglo XXI : el tratado de libre comercio entre Colombia y Estados Unidos

Palacio Puerta, Marcela

Este libro abarca por primera vez en la literatura existente la intersección de tres temas controversiales en el mundo de los derechos de autor: educación, tecnología y tratados de libre comercio (TLC), enfocándose en el caso de Colombia. De esta manera, este libro advierte como una implementación inadecuada de las obligaciones en materia de derechos de autor incorporadas en el tratado de libre comercio con los Estados Unidos, como se intento en Colombia, puede afectar los efectos positivos de políticas que buscan incorporar la tecnología en la educación con el propósito de arreglar diversas falencias del sistema educativo y promover la inclusión social. Por lo tanto, este libro se convierte en una herramienta importante para los estudiosos del tema al igual que para los encargados de políticas públicas de países que, al igual que Colombia,están en proceso de implementar las obligaciones adquiridas en TLC con los Estados Unidos.