PIJIP, in its role as chair of the Global Expert Network on Copyright User Rights, will sponsor two events in Brazil to discuss how copyright can promote rights to access educational and research materials. The meetings are being planned at a time when these issues are being discussed in an agenda item of the World Intellectual Property Organization Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights. Brazil has also announced a copyright reform process.   Details on the meetings, each of which is open to the public, are detailed below.

Rio de Janeiro: Direitos Autorais Pesquisa e Inovação Cartaz

1º de novembro/2019
Colégio de Altos Estudos
Av. Rui Barbosa, 762
Flamengo | Rio de Janeiro

International copyright treaties create a set of mandatory standards for copyright protection. These are subject to limitations and exceptions to allow for essential uses for research and education, as well as to create a sustainable innovation environment.

Modern text and data mining research tools present opportunities to radically expand what we can know about the world around us. But the use of these technologies remains illegal under copyright rules in much of the world today.

Professor Sean Flynn, Associate Director of the Information Justice and Intellectual Property (PIJIP) Program at the American University Washington College of Law, Creative Commons USA researcher, and Chair of the Global Expert Network of Copyright User Rights, will address the opportunities and challenges of reforming the vopyright law to enable the promise of digital research today. His presentation will examine the potential for reform of the international copyright system to recognize a set of rights to access knowledge and information. These include the rights to use copyrighted materials for research and education, for cultural preservation by libraries, museums, and archives, and for the promotion of innovation.

Curitiba, Copyright and the Public Interest

November 4th
7:15 pm – 8:45 pm

PANEL: Copyright and the Right to Research and Education

As an essential space for training and knowledge production, education and research activities are essential for professional and national development, as well as for innovation. These spaces are also places where the taste for reading, arts and discovery develops. Unquestionable, therefore, the deep intersection between Copyright, Education and Research. In the context of the continuous development of ICTs and internationalization of relations, in addition to advances in the field of artificial intelligence, in the economic and strategic valuation of data, it is urgent to review limitations and exceptions for education and research purposes in a highly technological environment.


  • Prof. Dr. Monica Guise – Facebook


  • Prof. Dr. Sean Flynn – American University Washington / USA
  • Prof. Dr. Allan Rocha de Souza – UFRRJ / UFRJ
  • Prof. . Dr.  Mariana Valente – InternetLab / FGV
  • Prof. Dr.  Claudia Chamas – Fiocruz – PPED / UFRJ
  • Prof. MSc. Vinícius de Araujo Oliveira – Fiocruz – UNA-SUS