Presentation at the Global Congress on Intellectual Property and the Public Interest
American University Washington College of Law, August 26, 2011

Professor Carlos Correa

Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Industrial Property Law and Economics
University of Buenos Aires  

Slides | Biography

Global Congress Opening – Perspectives from the South on IP and Innovation, Carlos Correa from PIJIP on Vimeo.

In his keynote address to the Global Congress, Professor Correa discusses how the current international patent system has failed to deliver on promises that the TRIPS Agreement would spur further innovation.  Patents are increasingly granted to incremental developments rather than new products that society would consider inventions.  In the pharmaceutical industry, more patents have been issued worldwide as the number of new products brought to market has fallen.  To promote a positive agenda in the area of patents, it would be wise to consider the original purpose of the patent system – to benefit society through the promotion of the progress of science – and the types of innovations that ought to be patentable.