The RCEP and Intellectual Property Norm-Setting in the Asia-Pacific

[Peter Yu] Commissioned for the CEIPI-ICTSD Publication Series, this article discusses the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), with a focus on intellectual property issues. The partnership is currently being negotiated among Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea and members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). This article begins by briefly discussing the historical origins of the RCEP. It then examines the latest leaked draft of its intellectual property chapter. The article concludes by examining three future scenarios concerning intellectual property norm-setting in the Asia-Pacific region. Click here for more.

Does Copyright Affect Reuse? Evidence from the Google Books Digitization Project

[Abhishek Nagaraj] While digitization projects like Google Books have dramatically increased access to information, this study examines how the ability to reuse digital information and diffuse knowledge to a wider audience critically depends on features of copyright law. I use the digitization of both copyrighted and non-copyrighted issues of Baseball Digest by the Google Books Digitization Project to measure the impact of copyright on a prominent venue for reuse: Wikipedia. Click here for more.

What Every Copyright Law Should Have to Support Libraries

[EIFL] Restrictive copyright laws create legal barriers to using resources for education, research and socio-economic development. This can have significant consequences for people who use libraries in developing and transition economy countries, where the ability to produce and use knowledge is a major factor in development. EIFL, (Electronic Information for Libraries) has published a new, easy to use checklist to assist librarians in evaluating national copyright law for core library activities and services, to identify gaps or to see where the law is doing well. The EIFL Core Library Exceptions Checklist provides a starting point for policy advocacy or to propose amendments if the copyright law is being updated in a particular country. ‘Rate my copyright law’ scores national law to see how well it performs. Click here for more.

Como lo anticipamos regresó la #LeyLleras

[Karisma Fundacion] Son pocas las obligaciones de modificar el marco legal que tiene pendiente el gobierno nacional respecto al TLC suscrito con EE.UU., una de ellas es modificar el sistema legal del derecho de autor en temas muy diversos. El gobierno ha intentado legislar esto separando esas obligaciones en dos: (A) La creación de un procedimiento para retirar contenidos en plataformas en línea o mecanismo para exonerar de responsabilidad a los intermediarios de Internet por las posibles infracciones al derecho de autor que cometan las personas usuarias de sus plataformas. Esta es la que en su momento se conoció como Ley Lleras 1;  (B) Las demás relacionadas con derecho de autor que incluyen ampliación del plazo de protección, incluir la copia temporal como protegida por el derecho de autor, agregar al ordenamiento interno normas que garanticen la efectividad de las medidas tecnológicas de protección, (mtp), etcétera. Estos temas fueron los que se abordaron en las denominadas Ley Lleras 2 y 4. Click here for more on

Global Innovation Index 2016: Switzerland, Sweden, UK, U.S., Finland, Singapore Lead – China Joins Top 25

[WIPO] China joins the ranks of the world’s 25 most-innovative economies, while Switzerland, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Finland and Singapore lead the 2016 rankings in the Global Innovation Index, released today by Cornell University, INSEAD and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). China’s top-25 entry marks the first time a middle-income country has joined the highly developed economies that have historically dominated the top of the Global Innovation Index (GII) throughout its nine years of surveying the innovative capacity of 100-plus countries across the globe. China’s progression reflects the country’s improved innovation performance as well as methodological considerations such as improved innovation metrics in the GII. Click here for more.

UK Copyright Extension on Designed Objects Is “Direct Assault” on 3D Printing

[Glyn Moody] A recent extension of UK copyright for industrially manufactured artistic works represents “a direct assault on the 3D printing revolution,” says Pirate Party founder Rick Falkvinge. The UK government last month extended copyright for designs from 25 years to the life of the designer plus 70 years. In practice, this is likely to mean a copyright term of over 100 years for furniture and other designed objects. Click here for more on Ars Technica.