Author: InfoJustice Eds.

Neglected Dimension of the Inventive Step as Applied to Pharmaceutical and Biotechnological Products: The case of Sri Lanka’s patent law

[Ruwan Fernando] Apart from the basic statutory definition in section 65 of the Intellectual Property Act of Sri Lanka, there do not appear to be any detailed statutory guidelines or judicial decisions to provide any framework for the assessment of inventive step in Sri Lanka. The current statutory definition is highly insufficient to evaluate the standard of obviousness in relation to biotechnological and pharmaceutical claims based on a combination or modification of a prior art reference.

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Comments to the United States Trade Representative Regarding South Africa Country Practice Review

PIJIP Director Sean Fiil-Flynn and North-West University Professor Klaus Beiter submitted comments to the U.S. Treade Representative related to the annual review of the eligibility of sub-Saharan African countries to receive the benefits of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). Their submission counters claims made by the International Intellectual Property Alliance regarding South Africa’s compliance with international copyright treaties.

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Colombia to Challenge AIDS Drug Patents

[Public Citizen Press Release] Colombia will soon decide whether to authorize price-cutting generic competition with a critical patented AIDS drug, directly challenging pharmaceutical industry power under a new health ministry resolution in one of the hemisphere’s most influential states. In anticipation of the decision, Colombian Minister of Health Guillermo Alfonso Jaramillo to support expanding access to dolutegravir, calling the move a “stand for health justice.”

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