Author: Sean Flynn

Update on South African Copyright Reform: Fair Use Provision May Be Removed

In the latest report from the South Africa copyright amendment bill process (see below), the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee suggested that it may be taking its fair use proposal off the table… notes from the most recent committee meeting conclude that the copyright exception provisions in the bill might be limited to “address the issues of hearing-impaired people, librarians and museum staff, and the Department of Trade and Industry would select a third issue, but one that was not contentious so that the legislation could be fast-tracked.”

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Address on Copyright Limitations at the 2018 JET Law Symposium

The Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law and Professor Daniel Gervais hosted the 2018 Symposium titled JETLaw Symposium, Dramatic Changes: The Effect of International Trade on Intellectual Property and Human Rights on Thursday, January 25, 2018 at Vanderbilt Law School. The Symposium featured three panels of scholars discussing issues related to the intersection of these three topics.

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Comments to the Mexican Senate on Copyright Provisions in the NAFTA Renegotiation

I am here to speak about the importance of including provisions in NAFTA to protect the abilities of countries to have general and open public interest copyright exceptions. All three countries have such exceptions to varying degree. And all three are under threat from the agenda of some copyright holders in international forums.

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