Author: Sean Flynn

New User Rights Data: Ranking Openness in 21 Countries

I had the honor of presenting the latest updates to our User Rights Database at the 18th annual Congress of the Society for Economic Research on Copyright Issues. I include here some new analysis of our data released for the first time at SERCI, ranking the countries in our study and categorizing them based on whether they have a civil or common law tradition.

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Karisma Foundation to Host 2020 Global Congress on Intellectual Property and the Public Interest in Cartagena

The steering committee of the Global Congress and IP and the Public Interest has unanimously approved the application of Karisma Foundation to hold the next Congress in Cartagena, Colombia, in (likely August) 2020. (By longstanding practice, the steering committee is composed of all past hosts of the Congress, as permanent members, and the track leaders of the last Congress, who serve on the committee for one year).

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South Africa Moves Forward With Creator Rights Agenda

South Africa took another step toward enactment of a Copyright Amendment Bill focused on improving the lot of creators. On March 20, the committee of jurisdiction in the National Council of Provinces voted 6-3 in favor of reporting the bill to the full house next week without amendment. The full house is likely to pass the bill, clearing the last hurdle before the President can sign the bill into law.

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Dispelling Myths About Fair Use

South Africa and other countries are currently considering proposals to convert from a “fair dealing” to a “fair use” user rights system. Some critics of the change fill their arguments with hyperbole without describing the facts about what is really at stake. This note attempts to dispel some common myths about fair use by describing what fair use is, and what is not.

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Comment to the South African Parliament, re: Copyright Amendment Bill [B13B – 2017]

[Sean Flynn and Peter Jaszi] We commend the Copyright Amendment Bill’s proposed introduction of an innovative, forward-thinking and South Africa-specific open general exception for “fair use.” The enclosed comments make the following main points: Fair use promotes innovation and free expression – as shown in the experience of other countries who have adopted it; The fair use provision, and the other limitations and exceptions in the bill, are fully compliant with the international “three step test”; The fair use clause will increase predictability under the law by adding an explicit fairness test; Experience in other countries does not support allegations that adopting fair use will increase litigation, shift burdens of proof onto copyright holders, decimate thepublishing industry or authorize widespread piracy.

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The Rights of Creators in Singapore and South Africa

Singapore recently released its long awaited report on copyright reform. As expected, the report proposes to eliminate the fifth factor of its fair use test – which requires examination of whether a license is available for the activity in question. The proposed reforms go much further, echoing many of the policies and approaches of South Africa’s Copyright Amendment Bill in focusing on the rights of individual creators at the center of the reform.

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Drama in South Africa Leads to Passing Fair Use

It was a day of copyright drama in the South African Parliament on the anniversary of Nelson Mandela’s passing. The National Assembly was considering the Copyright Amendment Bill in the full chamber.  …When the votes were taken, parties representing an overwhelming majority of the MPs had endorsed the bill, but it came up 12 votes short of what was needed to pass it on to the Council of the Provinces (the second house). The battle for copyright reform in South Africa appeared lost until the new year. But hours later the drama continued. After passing a new performers protection bill, more MPs from the ANC were whipped to join the chamber and the Copyright Amendment Bill was passed on a second vote.

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Defending Fair Use In South Africa

[Sean Flynn, Peter Jaszi, and Michael Carroll] On Wednesday the South African National Assembly vote on the Copyright Amendment Bill, which includes a new “fair use” right. The publishing industry is marking the occasion by circulating an alarmist petition that the legislation will have a “direct and detrimental impact on all South African authors.” Learned professors at the University of Stellenbosch have taken to calling the bill “shambolic”, and “an abomination.” . It is certainly time for a little light to go with the heat.

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TERA Presentation at SCCR 37 Workshop on “Toward Action With Respect to the Limitations and Exceptions Regime”

Jon Band and I were asked by the education and research beneficiary groups to work with them to draft model instruments that would reflect the work of the SCCR thus far and contribute to the development of an international instrument on education and research exceptions to copyright. The result of this project is the Civil Society Proposed Treaty on Educational and Research Activities (TERA). We release the Draft Treaty at the World Intellectual Property Organization Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights for the first time today. Here I describe briefly our methodology in creating the draft and the main provisions of it. Further information is available at  

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39 education and research organizations, including the 30 million members of Education International, are calling upon the World Intellectual Property Organization to adopt a Treaty on Copyright Exceptions and Limitations for Educational and Research Activities (TERA). TERA is open for endorsement by organizations and individuals. The Treaty was adopted at the Global Congress on Intellectual Property and the Public Interest on September 27, 2018, and released in revised form this week. The Treaty is the result of extensive consultation with numerous Member States and stakeholders in the education and research field, including at multiple workshops around the world.

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Updated Background Paper for the Treaty on Education and Research Activities (TERA)

[With Jonathan Band and Zhao Zhao] The World Intellectual Property Organization has long recognized the importance of copyright exceptions to education and research…. However, there is great disparity in WIPO member states concerning the adequacy of exceptions for education and research. In particular, the exceptions in many developing countries are insufficient to meet their pressing needs, in accordance with the United Nation’s sustainable development goal of quality education. Accordingly, a treaty on copyright exceptions and limitations for educational and research activities is necessary to establish global norms in this critical area. This background paper describes a proposed treaty that has been endorsed by a coalition of civil society groups. It has been updated from an October 8 Version to includes a section-by-section description of the treaty text. 

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Briefing Paper: A Treaty on Copyright Exceptions and Limitations for Educational and Research Activities

The World Intellectual Property Organization has long recognized the importance of copyright exceptions to education and research…. However, there is great disparity in WIPO member states concerning the adequacy of exceptions for education and research. In particular, the exceptions in many developing countries are insufficient to meet their pressing needs, in accordance with the United Nation’s sustainable development goal of quality education. Accordingly, a treaty on copyright exceptions and limitations for educational and research activities is necessary to establish global norms in this critical area.

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Endorse the Civil Society Proposed Treaty on Copyright Exceptions for Educational and Research Activities

Today, we release a treaty proposal to take another step toward the goal of a set of binding norms that require all countries to make research and learning materials available for use by all, whenever such use is in accord with the time-tested copyright principle of “fair practice.” The Civil Society Proposed Treaty on Copyright Exceptions for Educational and Research Activities has been endorsed by 15 civil society and research organizations at the Global Congress on Intellectual Property and the Public Interest. It is open for review and endorsement

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Response to IIPA Comments to USTR Regarding South Africa’s Copyright Amendments Bill and AGOA Eligibility

[Sean Flynn and Peter Jaszi] We write in reference to the August 1, 2018, filing of the IIPA, in respect of South Africa’s proposed copyright amendments. IIPA claims that adoption of the South Africa copyright amendment bill “would place South Africa out of compliance with the AGOA eligibility criteria regarding intellectual property.” We find this claim wholly unsupported.

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Comments of the Global Expert Network on Copyright User Rights and Creative Commons Corporation (HQ) on South Africa’s Copyright Amendment Bill (2017) [B13-2017]

We commend Parliament for its forward-looking copyright amendments that will assist South African creators and users of copyrighted works benefit from the digital age. We commend you as well for the open public process through which you have drafted the bill. We support the specific textual suggestions included in the ReCreateSA submission. We provide the following comments focusing on Section 12 of the draft Copyright Amendment Bill, and in particular the “fair use” provision in 12B.

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Statement on Limitations and Exceptions for WIPO Broadcast Treaty

Thank you chair. I want to speak quickly to the issue of limitations and exceptions for the Broadcast treaty should one proceed. We should not be using a 20 year old model that ignores the many advancements in this area. With all due respect, both the chair’s text and the proposal by Argentina and Brazil at the last round are unduly limited. They do not include mandatory exceptions from other agreements, including Berne and Marrakesh. Nor do they consider the needs of libraries, archives, museums or for education or research activities currently in discussion in this committee. Nor do they include the best examples of provisions protecting domestic policy space.

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